Who’s Got Your Back?

Posted: March 16, 2011 in Development, Leadership, Soul Care, Youth Ministry
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Every leader needs a cheerleader or two. I’m so thankful for the handful I have in my corner. I have my number one fan and encourager, my wife. She’s always there to listen to my struggles and pains. She’s also there to push me to be a better man and pastor. Along with her are my 2 boys. No matter what the day was like, nothing beats coming home with 2 little boys running to into my arms. I also have a friend that I call about every week to pray for and they pray for me. He’s always encouraging me. Lastly, is my mentor and his wife. They have stood by me through thick and thin. They understand what I go through because they were in full-time youth ministry at one point.

We need these types of people in ministry because we know that working with people is hard work. Everyone had their opinions about you, the way things should be done, and many times they’re not afraid to let you know. Or sometimes you have those nights where the students just don’t listen and frustrate you. BUT, we have these people who have our backs and help us keep going. They are there cheering you on all the way through.

Who are your cheerleaders?

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